Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I didn't think we would see this again so soon...


MarkyMark said...

Regular here in NJ is down to $2.70/gal; plus, which I normally use in both the car & bike, is now @ $3.04/gal...

Learner said...

We're down to about 2.93 for regular now.

MarkyMark said...

Just passed the gas station last night, and the price for regular is down to $2.52/gal, with plus being $0.15-$0.20 above that... :)

Learner said...

Hi MarkyMark,

The cheapest around here is still about 2.85. I'll have to make sure I fill up when I am in NJ for a conference next week.

SavvyD said...

So not fair. I finally saw that today in Cali!!

Learner said...


I guess you can thank taxes for that...but you get the California sunshine.