Monday, May 4, 2009

By request

It was recently suggested to me that I post more pictures of flowers. That has been difficult due to the buckets full of rain falling.

But here are a few, including of my favorite scents. These grow all along the roads here so that you can smell them as you are driving.




Lilly of the Valley


Kathy Farrelly said...

Exquisite pics L.
We have honeysuckle and Jasmine in our back yard. Heavenly!

Send some of that rain down under will ya. Our farmers are desperately in need of rain for seeding.
A few prayers wouldn't go astray either :D

Learner said...

Thanks Kathy :)

I wish we could send some of our rain your way! We've had some nasty flooding from the rain here. My mom calls storms like the ones we have been having "gully-washers"

catwoman said...

These are nice. Thank you.

Learner said...

Thank you Catwoman. I'm glad you liked them :)

Patty said...

Love the picture of the Lilac! Growing up in Michigan we had them in our back yard, but for some reason I never see them here in the South. Guess they don't grow well around here.

Learner said...

Thanks Patty :)