Saturday, January 3, 2009


Wow, a laptop with actual visible letters on the keys! And a power cord that doesn't need to be held very gingerly and at a specific yet ever changing angle in order to work! WooHoo! (and a thank you to my parents for their contribution toward this for Christmas).

While I'm posting photos, here's one of my niece opening a gift from my brother and his girlfriend.

And here's one of my "other niece" (my brother's great dane) playing with my gift to her. She is getting even bigger. She jumped up on me and with her paws on my shoulders her head is above mine.


Elusive Wapiti said...

"...a laptop with actual visible letters on the keys!"

Eh? As opposed to a laptop with invisible letters on the keys?

I think they need to let you out from PhD-land every once in a while.... :)

Learner said...


LOL, well it is true that I need let out from PhD land on occaison. But, I was referring to a previous post about my old laptop which had several letters worn off the keys.(I guess it would make more sense if I link it!)

Anonymous said...

I love big dogs. A certain "cosmogirl" of my acquaintance has a Rhodesian Ridgeback with a heart of gold.

Learner said...


I like my brother's dog but to be honest I am always a bit nervous around her because she is still a puppy and a bit prone to "playing" a little more roughly that I would prefer because of her size. I still have two paw-shaped bruises from Christmas. Is cosmogirl's Rhodesian Ridgeback well behaved?

Anonymous said...

Well behaved like a true gentleman, unless it involves chasing something.

Learner said...

LOL desertson :)