Monday, April 20, 2009


Sometimes Blogger drives me crazy. Can someone tell me why the post I published yesterday had a date four days ago on it until I went in and edited it?


MarkyMark said...


I can tell you exactly why this happened: because four days ago is when you started writing it. Unless you change the date & time, the post will be stamped with the date & time when you first started writing the post, not when you actually finished & posted it.

How do you get around this? It's easy: when you have the new post window up (the one that looks like a word processor), click "Post Options". It's in the lower, left hand corner; this will expose other functions you can use on the post, one if which is date & time. Change the date to today's date, then hit 'post' If the post doesn't show up, it just means that the computer will put it up when it sees that the right time & date were shown. I just set the date for today's date, then put in a time that's a few minutes early, and viola! You now have a new post with a more or less accurate date & time stamp...


Learner said...

Thanks Mark!

Jesse said...

Mark beat me to it. I just discovered this recently, when I published an old post and was surprised when I didn't see it at the top of my blog. I liked how Blogger used to have all that "options" stuff out in plain view instead of hidden where folks like me have to accidentally stumble across it.

Learner said...


Every time I get comfortable with Blogger they change something and I get confused all over again.