Monday, April 6, 2009

A tool of the patriarchy

Shaving, that is. I thought this was quite funny, and I needed a laugh today. Over at Feministing there is discussion about this advertisement for a women's razor.

It seems the feminists are having quite the discussion about whether women should shave or not.

-If you shave you are just giving in to the patriarchy.
-You can shave if you want to, but you really should think about why you shave.
-If you think you shave for your own comfort or preference you are lying to yourself.

Maybe the fact that I think this is so funny is a reflection of my current mental state. I dunno. But, I am this close to getting approved by the institutional review board so that I can begin recruiting participants for my dissertation. After almost two years I am going to finally actually be allowed to do the study. No wonder I find things like this amusing.


Kathy Farrelly said...

Who is the twat(sorry L couldn't resist that one.)that came up with that?
Good for a laugh, I agree.

Why some people get all hot under the collar over something so innocuous is certainly puzzling.

Don't they have anything better to do!

Good luck with the study.
You must be "chaffing at the bit", L, having had to wait for nearly two years!

Elusive Wapiti said...

I found it pretty funny. Both of the vids, actually...the unshaven legs == chaos video, and the "mow the lawn" video.

Oh and I love who intimating that black women have denser pubic hair than east Asian women do is racism. Not that I'm some kind of expert, but I suspect that's true. Anyways, those clowns need to crack a dictionary. Oh, and get a sense of humor too while they're at it.

Elusive Wapiti said...

Oh and check out the comments. Observing which are approved "choices" and which are not--and who/what is attempting to enforce the new feminist order--is quite amusing.

Soulfuric Acid said...

I highly encourage feminists to remain unshaven. It is just one more method for spotting and avoiding them.

That and the smell.

Learner said...

Thanks Kathy.

Don't they have anything better to do!

I think that is what I find so absurd. That many comments about shaving your legs! Ha!

Learner said...


The comments are especially amusing. Did you see the one who said that her leg hair is soft and fluffy and she likes to rub her face in it? Gosh, that makes me laugh just typing it.

I agree, a dictionary is in order. When everything is "racism" (or sexism) it dilutes the meaning of the word.

Learner said...


It's those wiley feminists that do shave you have to watch out for!

Ame said...

congratulations on being 'this close' !!!!!

Learner said...

Thanks Ame! :)