Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Now, this makes me angry...

Did anyone else see this news story about the teenage girls who abused elderly persons with Alzheimer's and dementia in a nursing home in Minnesota? I cannot even begin to express how furious this makes me.
  • Because they abused people who were defenseless and unable to voice their objections because of their mental deficits.
  • Because they say they did it for "fun".
  • Because they are being charged with a "gross misdemeanor" and will likely not serve any jail time for physically and sexually abusing the nursing home residents.

Also, I think this has particularly angered me because my Mom has been in a nursing home for the past two weeks for physical therapy so she can regain her strength enough to come home after having a bad infection. My mom does not have dementia or Alzheimer's though she does have some mild to moderate mental deficits from a massive brain hemorrhage a few years ago. If someone did to my mother what those girls did, I think I would be hard pressed to not resort to violence.

What is wrong with those girls? What they did is not just immoral, it is amoral and antisocial behavior. How does a person come to a place where they think it is okay to do what they did? A serious part of humanity is missing in these girls. It makes me sick.


Jonathan said...

Yeah I read about that. It just says a lot about how far we have fallen as a society. I would be tempted to say that these deviants didn't even think that what they did was wrong, but the fact that they bragged how they wouldn't get caught seems to indicate otherwise. I think this would be a good case for caning...

Elusive Wapiti said...

Learner, do you think the female sentencing discount had anything to do with their light treatment? They've probably been getting off light their whole lives. In fact, I'll hazard a guess as to why these girls did what they did: they lack anyone to tell them no--and mean it, using corporal punishment if necessary--at home.

Learner said...


Caning may be a place to start. I also think they should go to prison for years and have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives.

My Mom is going to stay in the nursing home for more therapy for two more weeks :( She is doing better but is still weak. I have been trying to talk my Dad into them coming to stay with me for a few weeks over Christmas break to give him a breather.

Learner said...


Even one of my liberal co-workers (who showed me this story) said that she bet if it were a male nursing aide (not uncommon in nursing homes) that he would have been going to jail and charged with more than a misdemeanor.

they lack anyone to tell them no--and mean it, using corporal punishment if necessary--at home

You are likely correct since these girls obviously don't have any boundaries or sense of right and wrong.

Male Samizdat said...

Just another reason to have caning as a legal punishment in the United States (I wrote that before I saw Jonathan's comment).

#1: I want to know: how many of these teenage girls have their fathers involved in their lives? I would venture to say nary a one of them.

#2: The best defense for the elderly against nursing home abuse is for someone to visit them regularly. When my mother ended up in the nursing home to recover after hospitalization (she was there three months), my brother and sister and me agreed that we would not often visit her together - we would do it separately on a rotating schedule, in order that the staff see a conga line of people visiting our mother, keeping an eye on her. It helps that I look like "a big shaved bear that hates people" (You have to play Team Fortress 2 to understand that reference, and if you do, yes, I look like the Heavy Weapons guy in that game).

Learner said...


Well, fathers do tend to be a positive influence in their children's lives so I think your supposition is likely correct.

My father, brother, sister and I all visit my Mom at different times, along with a few other relatives. Both my sister and I live more than an hour away (me- 1 hour and 15 minutes, my sister- 1 hour and 45 minutes)so I can only get there about twice a week. But my Dad visits daily and my brother does almost daily too.

Your description of "a big shaved bear who hates people" sounds like my brother, too (though he stops shaving his head and beard in the winter because he is a carpenter who works outside a lot). Hopefully his presnece will protect my Mom too. My brother says he makes a point of giving the nursing home staff "the hairy eyeball."

Anonymous said...

Learner: I'd say this sheds new light on why God had a provision in the Law for stoning to death children who were that rebellious.

EW: I tend to agree. If they were guys, they'd be looking at felonies, and possibly being charged as adults.

On another note, (1) now that physician-assisted suicide is legal in three states (Oregon, Washington, and Montana), and (2) now that one of those states--Oregon--is using it as a means of controlling systemic costs (refusing to cover chemotherapy while covering physician-assisted suicide), we will soon have a government that negates the difficulties of Alzheimer's patients.

That is because they will be euthanized. The "right to die" will become the "duty to die".

Learner said...


refusing to cover chemotherapy while covering physician-assisted suicide

If that isn't the definition of calling good evil and calling evil good, I don't know what is. It is another symptom of the devaluing of human life. It makes me sick.

Ame said...

this is sickening.

not only would they have received tougher charges had they been male, but also had they been unattractive. their attractiveness probably went a looong way to getting them off so easily ... now, and through their whole lives.

payday's a comin, though ... they'll get the wrong person someday, and payday will be in their bed.

Learner said...


You are probably right about the attractiveness thing. I wonder if the knowledge that you will likely get out of trouble because of your looks also makes you more likely to do the wrong thing.

Anonymous said...

Learner, Ame:

It's too bad that the girls didn't have ME as a judge.

The more they try to flaunt their looks in my courtroom, the more years I add to their misery...

Learner said...

It's too bad that the girls didn't have ME as a judge.

Yes, it is!

Ame said...

Amir - you've got my vote!

Learner - do you know if there are any stats on how attractiveness affects one's ability to receive favorable treatment rather than to receive what is due?

Learner said...


do you know if there are any stats on how attractiveness affects one's ability to receive favorable treatment rather than to receive what is due?

Not specifically off the top of my head. I have seen articles that say that attractive women do better on work performance evaluations, make more money, and have greater influence over others. So, it makes sense that attractiveness may influence treatment under the law as well. I'll look and see what I can find. If I find anything I'll do a post on it :)