Saturday, September 13, 2008

Walking Stick

I have already established my unfortunate propensity toward being a plant killer. Even though I can't manage to keep most "domesticated" plants alive, I live in a rural area where there are lots and lots of wooded areas and trees.

I love having so much "nature" around that I don't have to worry about killing, but all those trees come with something I don't like......bugs. I'm talking insects, people. In particular last spring I found a few wood roaches in my house. I can handle spiders or a few ants, but roaches? No, that I cannot handle. I had a traumatic roach infestation incident in the first apartment I lived in after college. I have barely recovered.

Due to my previous roach trauma, I opted to call the professionals when a few wood roaches made their way into my house (I sucked them up into the vacuum cleaner dust container and then flushed 'em). So now the bug guy comes every three months and sprays my place. There are no more roaches and that makes me very happy. I like the bug guy.

Unfortunately some innocent bugs get caught in the cross fire. For the next week or so after bug guy comes there is a collection of dead bugs to be found outside my door. This morning I discovered a dead walking stick. I have never seen a walking stick before, dead or alive. Poor thing.....he wouldn't have tried to come in my house like a guilty roach would, but he was exterminated anyway :(

On a brighter note, even after significant neglect on my part, one plant has managed to survive on my back deck, and even flower.


Ame said...

you and i are SO much alike here!!! LOL!!!

Learner said...

LOL Ame :)

Anonymous said...

Don't be shy about using Magnesium supplements if you are using normal lawn soil for your plants. Mg+ is to Chlorophyll like Iron is to Hemoglobin ... I use Mg. on my roses and they do well.

Learner said...

Alas Noseintheair, I usually put my plants in miracle grow potting mix and they still die!