Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pictorial Evidence (Warning- possible "ew" factor)

Amazingly enough, two of my plants have managed to remain alive. Please note, I have not watered or otherwise cared for them in about 6 weeks since they looked like they were done for.

Resilient things, aren't they?

My finger is healing well. I'll spare you any of the more gory pictures* [you're welcome Ame :)], but here is a view from the front after one of my friends debrieded** it where you can see how straight and neat I cut it. I honestly had no idea that rotary cutters were that sharp. It seems a challenge to get it through more than 4 layers of fabric. It looks so much better already, I think it will be barely noticeable. Here's hoping all of the feeling comes back.

* I am not as weird as that sounds. I took the pictures for my students...a good step by step example of wound healing.

** Sorry if the word or image of debriedment gives you the heebie jeebies. I should also point out that the friend who did so is a qualified medical professional....not just a random "buddy" :)

Maybe one of these days I'll write a well thought out post.


The Librarian said...

Pretty pretty flowers and then....

"i thought i'd share with you my injury after my friend finished debriding it...."

aaaaaaaaaah! How about some kind of "ew" alert for those of us a tad on the squeamish side?

I'm repeating to myself, "pretty pretty flowers" in the hope that the image will start fading from my memory.

Learner said...


Oh dear....I honestly didn't realize that needed an "ew" alert. I guess I am a bit jaded about that sort of thing. Warning to be added!

The Librarian said...

pretty pretty flowers..

Learner said...

Pretty pretty flowers!

He he

SavvyD said...

After CSI, your images are not too bad. It's more that scare of almost cutting off a finger--OUCH! Hope you feel again. :)

Kathy Farrelly said...

Well, at least you'll be alright if you're going to San Francisco, L!

And, puleaase!!

No more partial finger decapitations.(shudders)

Take more care girl!! (I'm swooning as I type this..)

Emily said...

Ouch. Be careful.

Learner said...

Thanks Emily :)

Learner said...

Oh! Thanks Savvy and Kathy too :) I missed your comments before!

Ann said...


flowers and fingers! how cool is that! and you've painted your nails ... gosh ... been so long since i'e done that i think i've forgotten how ;)

Learner said...


Come up here and I'll do your nails for you :)