Monday, August 31, 2009

A milestone

10,000 Visits here at Learning to Balance. Who'da thunk it?


Elusive Wapiti said...

Sweet! Congrats. You've been blogging for what, a bit over a year?

Learner said...

Thanks EW! I started this blog almost 2 years ago. My first post was 10/20/09.

Jesse said...

First post was on 10/20/09? Two years ago?? got skills. You should really open a fortune-telling business on the side.

In other news, I second Wapiti--congrats! I actually saw this post late last night, but could not think of a smart remark related to football or age to add so I didn't bother commenting.

Sorry, the way this week has been I'm even more cynical than usual...

Learner said...

Thanks Jesse! See, you were able to find something besides age or football to rib me about :) Sorry to hear you are having a bad week. Here's hoping it gets better bro.

SA said...

Don't get too excited, at least half of your hits were just me checking up on your withering plants and severed finger. Sorry, it's been slow at work lately.

Kathy Farrelly said...

I'd a thunk it!

I always feel very welcome when I visit your blog, dear Learner.

Your blog has the WELCOME mat emblazoned on it :)

Thank you muchly for your hospitality...

Learner said...

Don't get too excited, at least half of your hits were just me checking up on your withering plants and severed finger. Sorry, it's been slow at work lately.

LOL :)

Learner said...

Thank you Kathy :) I am glad you feel so welcome here.

Jesse said...

Me too, thanks. Seems every week just gets tougher nowadays though, dunno what the deal is.

To add a little humor, some days I wonder if I'm not in that Office Space scene (assuming you're not one of the very few who has been deprived of the great entertainment that is watching Office Space), paraphrased as something like:

Peter: "It's like every day is worst than the last."

Doc: "So, every time I see you then, that's the worst day of your life?"

Peter: "Well, yeah."

Doc: "Wow. That's bad stuff."

At least I'm not that hard up. Yet.